Capt. Angela Jimder, Lt Katie Ball, Navy Commander Clay Green, LTC Steve Molaski in Afghanistan
Capt David Zolinski Team Leader for Afghanistan Media Outreach Camp Eggers NATO Training Mission
Capt. Angela Jimder, Lt Katie Ball, Navy Commander Clay Green, LTC Steve Molaski in Afghanistan
WATCH Capt. Angela Jimder with the US Air Force, 18 years of service, on her 2nd deployment, from Chicago, Ill. She talks about what she does as a Medical Construction
Planner and training Afghans in her field of expertise. Lt Katie Ball with the US Navy and 6 years of service from Palos Verdes, CA. She talks about people from America sending toys and clothing they give to Afghan Children. They can use more. Navy Commander Clay Green with 18 years of service, from San Marcus, TX., in the Navy Reserves. He talks about what he does, about progress and about being in the reserves. LTC Steve Molaski with 28 years of service in the Canadian Military – one of the 33 countries participating in NTM -A. He is from Ottawa, Canada. He talks about the progress that is being made in Afghanistan and about what he does.