Home Talking with Heroes WATCH 2LT Steven White narrate on a Mission in Iraq + Shoutouts from 13 Ft Riley Soldiers
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Watch as we go on a night time Mission with Ft Riley 3rd Platoon Bravo Company Soldiers and Iraqis checking out Iraqi Checkpoints and more. 2LT Steven White narrates. Watch Shout Outs before we go out on the mission with Pvt Toves from Guam, SPC Moos from Billings, Montana, PTV Travey from Florida, PVT Hlavacek on his 2nd deployment from Chicago, Sgt Wine from Portsmouth, VA, PFC Bacon from California, PFC Loyola from Austin, TX, SPC Current from New Jersey, SPC Bailey from Texas, 2LT Steven White, Platoon Leader and from New Iberia, SPC Cook from Los Angeles, SPC Scott from Seneca, SC, PFC Jordan from Conway, SC