Home Talking with Heroes Watch Angela Salyer & Ronda Englander, Leaders of The Comfort Crew Helping Military Children
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Watch 24/7: Ronda Englander, Co-Founder and Executive Director www.comfortcrew.org Child advocacy has long been a passion for Ronda. For over 25 years, she has worked to support children in need and to protect their social and emotional health. Angela Salyer, Chief Operating Officer The Comfort Crew. Angela was born in the Panama Canal Zone, where her father was stationed in the Army Medical Corps. She returned to the States with her family at age 3. She and her family lived at Ft. Meade, MD and Ft. Bragg, NC until she was 11. Angela was selected as one of the top 100 female athletes in North Carolina’s history. There are 2 million children with a parent serving in the military. Present day military life has a unique set of challenges: frequent moves, multiple deployments, visible and invisible injuries, and families being torn apart. Hundreds of thousands of children have experienced emotional trauma because their parent must put the needs of our country before theirs. Too often military kids feel they must shoulder these burdens alone, putting them at risk for a range of emotional and behavioral problems, as well as poor academic outcomes. www.thecomfortcrew.org in their first ten years have impacted 1,000,000 military family members! Please Watch 24/7 and Share.
Thank You Iraq Veteran SSG Keith Knights for Filming!!!