12:58 Talking with Heroes 1Sgt Raul Betancourt with Ft Bennings 3HBCT3ID in Iraq Talking With HeroesOctober 29, 2010 July 29, 2022 1Sgt Raul Betancourt has served in the armed forces for 22 years. While on a previous deployment he was injured by an IED and is now... 02.7K220 Continue reading
15:04 Talking with Heroes 1Lt Dustin Mason, Jeffrey Peters Explain MRAP Vehicle Rollover Trainer Talking With HeroesOctober 14, 2010 July 29, 2022 Bob Calvert, TalkingWithHeroes.com host asks 1Lt Dustin Mason and Jeffrey Peters to Explain the MRAP Vehicle Rollover Trainer in Kal... 073750 Continue reading