WE GOT YOUR 6 @ 6:00- PATRIOT Playtime

Join us as WE come together to see the issues and the needs of today’s HEROES, our veterans and first responders. WE will discuss the solutions and see the organizations that are boots on the ground as WE combat the silent, invisible and deadly enemies that our HEROES are facing. WE ARE THE SHOCK AND AWE. See you at 6:00 (1800) CST.

This week Guest WE are blessed to have Jeremy Parkens of Dress Right Dress. To share the mission and where his organization is supporting our daily HEROES.

One of the most Patriotic Musicians… the dude is emotional, he is raw and he wears it on his sleeve. JT Stubbs will be joining us form Texas as he is getting ready to perform a fundraiser for the victims of New Orleans with Bobby Withrow of Texas Fallen.

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