Watch Iraq Vet Matthew Staton Staff Asst. to Secretary of the Army at 2016 R4Alliance Conference

Watch Matthew A. Staton, Iraq Combat and Wounded Veteran; Staff Assistant to the Secretary of the Army at National Conference. Matt deployed to Iraq in July 2003, was exposed to multiple IEDs, resulting in a mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) and sustaining a gun-shot wound to the leg. Mr. Staton began his current service as a Dept. of the Army civilian 2007. He is a direct advisor and staff member to the Secretary of the Army for Ill, Injured, and Combat Wounded Soldier matters and concerns.” He talks about his personal experience with Recreational Therapy in his recovery, Helping other Veterans, Collaborating and More. Please WATCH this first in a series of Videos from the 2016 R4Alliance Conference. Please Share!!
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