Watch Army Veteran J.J. Montanaro and Marine Veteran Doug Castle both with USAA.Com

Watch Army Veteran J.J. Montanaro with Military Affairs and Advocacy Team. He is a Certified Financial Planner by Trade. J.J.’s daily focus is helping families realize their goals and his advice has appeared in numerous outlets including The Wall Street Journal, USA Today,,, Military Spouse Magazine, and The Washington Post. J.J.’s Father & Brother served in the Navy. J.J. and his son served in the Army. His Son is in Afghanistan. Veteran Doug Castle served 30+ Years in the Marines. Doug is with the USAA Affinity Team and he works with 14 different Veterans Service Organizations including Wounded Warrior Project. USAA offers an array of financial services Helping their Members secure their financial future. Please Watch and Share this Video.
Thank You Iraq Veteran SSG Keith Knights for Filming!!!

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