1LT Johnson & Capt Nelson w/Ft Carsons 3BCT4ID/1-8/Bravo Co. Live Fire Training Iraqi Police Part 3

Watch as we are on a mission with Iraqis Training Iraqis with our Ft Carson 3BCT 4ID 1-8 Bravo Company Soldiers Assisting. In Part 3 of this series we are at a firing range
near FOB Garry Owen near Amarah, Iraq with Iraqi Police 7th Emergency Response Unit live fire training. Bravo Company Platoon Leader 1LT Nolan Johnson narrates and explains the training the Iraqis are going through. Captain Nelson the Bravo Company Commander does a great overview of the training and progress. Sgt Nichols, SPC Farley, SGT Broughton start this segment with shout outs to their families back home! Part 3 of 3

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